Stewardship starts here and now
When I look into your eyes I see happiness and pain
I see joy and sadness
Oh my little one
as you get older and older your depth of devotion flows deeper
Who are you to laugh and cry when the earth reaches out to hold your hand
sooth your heart
Oh little one
I can dry your tears but cannot stop your crying
You may have lost your way
but when the end is near
I can only watch
You were so much more powerful then you thought
being in the belly of the beast
I can hear your pleas
You are so lost and the only path is the one of pain
With your relentless heart
may you hold the hands of your brothers and sisters
and toil in uncharted territory
The sun has come out
as I stroke your chest and only wish that there is hope
memories of frolicking in the fields
laughing with loved ones
I beseech you even though you mayn’t know its meaning