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join me on my spiritual journey
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Dewdrop Meditation

I relax all spaces – my body—all bodily fluids, all body tissues, all cells, molecules.
I ENTER THROUGH my third eye in the middle of my forehead and take 10 steps with greater and greater relaxation. I have entered my sun—yellows, reds and oranges, and within all is a center of cool blues. I feel a gentle mist upon my body.

Joy. Oh joy. My jubilant spirit lives here and I have come to visit. A sunflower is singing its blooming songs of spring while some marigolds and snapdragons join in perfect harmony as they greet me with lyrics of love. A gate door opens and I am sprinkled with a mist of rejuvenation of mind and spirit.

I spy a dewdrop upon the ground and am transformed to the size of a speck of small that the dew drop is a crystal shimmering pool.

I float in these crystal waters which have now become as intense as a diamond reflecting all the colors of the sun. I feel my body and spirit floating in peace as we become one (10 yoga breaths).

As I return to my body's form, the sun kisses my cheek good morning. I then cup some translucent water into my hands and sip. It rejuvenates, renews and revitalizes my lips, tongue, mouth, teeth, throat all way down to my stomach. It bathes all my the cells of my body. I am truly refreshed and I give thanks from my feet to my heart to my highest power.

I share these moments of peace and refreshment with all and feel an inner acknowledgment. Then take ten steps back with greater and greater renewal and gently open my eyes.  


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