join me on my spiritual journey

join me on my spiritual journey
Join me on my spiritual journey. New posts every week. All posts and photographs are originals with a copyright, 2011

Monday, March 26, 2012


As I gazed upon this enormous, vivid flower made purely of sand on the cement ground in Washington Square Park, the artist told me when it is complete he will sweep it all away. I am so grateful that I was there at that moment to witness this temporary beauty.  Now I can see with greater clarity how each moment we exist IS a special gift. Treasure it for everything is temporary.


Monday, March 19, 2012


I appreciate the ground and its everlasting support and if I fall, may it not be too far.

I appreciate the air with each cleansing breath. If I should gasp, may the air quickly refresh my lungs again.

I appreciate the water with each sip I take. Oh source of all life, and if I should thirst may you not be too far.

I appreciate light and with each ray there’s sight and if there is darkness may it not linger too long.

I appreciate your warmth and if there is coldness may compassion be near.

I appreciate your unconditional love and if I should lose faith may you remind me that you’re never too far.

May I carry this wisdom throughout my day so I am able to follow it and share it with others.


Monday, March 12, 2012

An Open Window

    through darkness
the light
shine its brightest

Monday, March 5, 2012


We live in a flow of one action to the next…one thought to the next. Meditation stops the flow and opens my eyes to the beauty of this moment and leaves me in awe.

Here's the post I promised. Within the same school of thought, you might want to take a look at, "The Story of the Akita" (2-14-11). It really captures the flow of society today.
In love, light and laughter,