join me on my spiritual journey

join me on my spiritual journey
Join me on my spiritual journey. New posts every week. All posts and photographs are originals with a copyright, 2011

Monday, July 30, 2018

Gosling Delight

Oh it has been too long
I must see you again 
You have laid your eggs and the goslings have hatched
You’ve taken them on so many outings
I can see that they are coming into their later gosling stage

No longer are they lost in blades of grass 
Now they stand beside you, mother dear
wondering a little further 

The coyote and fox have kept me away 
but today I am drawn to my crystal springs beside the forest 

I must see you again 

The frogs are jumping
mysterious birds serenading 
whispering breezes in each treetop 
Oh how my locks gently sway

I breathe in 
I am free
I rest my eyes on the ripples of clear waters as your family gracefully glides by

Oh friend I am so excited to be here

The only thing that can keep my pen from pouring out these words 
is the sun going down 

I give thanks  
and celebrate this moment


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Together as One

As I threw the twig into the pond 
It made many gentle splashes becoming small circles
Within a few moments they grew and grew until they all came  
together as one  

Tuesday, July 3, 2018