join me on my spiritual journey

join me on my spiritual journey
Join me on my spiritual journey. New posts every week. All posts and photographs are originals with a copyright, 2011

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

For This Moment

As I open my eyes 
there are no longer tears
dancing lights upon my spring waters  
Appearing so
I can almost touch them
For this moment...
I have found my love

Monday, January 20, 2014

The First Day of Winter

I gaze down onto the my fresh footprints in this early morning's snow
Oh no
Oh no
I must go
I must go
These feet may be still
but my heart and hands are anxious to make their
next step
their next movement
Is this the way?
Is that the way?
I ask my self
Breathe and let all settle
Oh faithful breath
I live every new moment in your kindness
Oh, how I love you
Oh snow around and ice below
I pray for safety in each decision I make
May they be wise and keep me secure
I breathe just breathe within your kindness and goodness  
For this I praise and for this I give thanks

Monday, January 13, 2014

Self Conscious

Today I have negative thoughts about how my neighbors may perceive me when I go on my spiritual walks and meditate by the waterside. “They must think this about me. They must think that about me...” but truth be told, who am I to judge them?


Thursday, January 2, 2014


I love babies
for within their smiles and laughter
they give me the gift of more to love