join me on my spiritual journey

join me on my spiritual journey
Join me on my spiritual journey. New posts every week. All posts and photographs are originals with a copyright, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2016

Dalai Lama

I saw the Dalai Lama. 
found my way without getting lost
went despite of my insecurity 

Scared being amongst 30,000 yet alone  
but I did it 

As I sat next to an unnamed woman 
feelings of intimidation brewed 
it was not being in the presence of his holiness

He spoke as if we were equals about 
nuclear weapons
taking care of the environment

Now is the time to replace attachment with compassion

I listened as
he spoke of hope for tomorrow 

Thursday, November 10, 2016


The same flowing waters 
which connects 
can also separate 
when it becomes ice 


Friday, November 4, 2016

Peace and Inspiration

I feel sorry for the people who don’t see beauty in nature
in this wilderness there is a lover 
always calling my name

Today I look upon an uprooted tree from Hurricane Sandy  
Gaze upon its exposed roots
Oh gentle roots where have you gone

I love how you serenade me 
with each bird’s song and whisper upon our gentle breeze

Your perfumed scents of pine interspersed with wild honeysuckle 
unfettered innocence and joy

WithIn the weeds surrounding you 
upon my lips I taste your sourgrass and mint

Oh how I honor these walks of peace and inspiration